Good Seafood in Land Locked Calgary

Nutmeg was convinced when she moved to Calgary that she would never see swordfish or good ahi tuna again.  Without disclosing how long she has been in Calgary let’s just say the seafood scene is much improved.  There are some very good places to buy seafood now.  Calgary will never rival the likes of Vancouver’s Granville island, Seattle’s Pikes Place, Fisherman’s wharf or any of the other amazing places to buy really fresh seafood.

Crab #France #Seafood #Markets @GingerandNutmeg

In Calgary, the key ingredients to fish buying are the fresh factor (how long and how many airplanes) and the retail owner’s level of focus on clean and fresh.  Here are some of Nutmeg’s thoughts (in order);

  1. Blu Seafood Market – (MacLeod Trail just North of Southland) The owner/operator Brian Plunkett is meticulous.  The place is spotless and the display is perfect.  He carries a wide variety of fish that is very fresh.  He also has some great prepared items like salmon burgers, crab cakes, seafood casseroles etc.. There is a good frozen selection and he carries some very good meat as well.  The greatest thing about this place is he is happy to share his simple recipes (see below) and Nutmeg is happy to say they are perfect!
  2. Boyd’s Lobster Shop – these east coast boys know their seafood!!  The shop is not always spotless.  The display is often not perfect.  The seafood is always great!  They carry a good selection and post when you can expect the fish to arrive (aka when it will be freshest).  Nutmeg has a few tips:
      • Sundays they often have discounts
      • Great frozen selection
      • Watch for the wild salmon in June – these guys will not buy it if it is too expensive
  3. North Sea Fish Market – you can find them in the Calgary Farmer’s Market.  Of course they are only open Friday – Sunday.  They carry good variety and it is pretty fresh.  Ginger says to try their lobster mac & cheese.
  4. Sunterra –  Nutmeg says they should stick to meat they do a great job on their beef.
  5. Safeway, Superstore – Nutmeg says you are better to buy frozen.

So the good news is there are some good places to purchase fresh, quality seafood in landlocked Calgary. Here is the very easy recipe from Blu Seafood and Market:

Easy Fish Recipe
Recipe type: Main Dish
Cuisine: Seafood
Prep time: 
Cook time: 
Total time: 
Serves: 2
  • 2 Fish filets or steaks
  • ⅛ Cup lemon juice
  • 2 Teaspoons Worcestershire Sauce
  • 2 Teaspoons Dill Mustard
  • Salt & Pepper, to taste
  1. Season fish with lemon juice, Worcestershire Sauce, dill mustard and salt & pepper
  2. Place the fish (salmon, seabass, cod, snapper, swordfish or any white fish) on a greased cookie sheet
  3. Top each piece with a tab of butter or 1tsp of olive oil.
  4. Bake at 375degrees for 12-14 minutes (varies by fish thickness)
  5. The fish should be firm to touch

Enjoy good seafood in land locked Calgary!

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