A Recipe to Eat Your Spinach

Ginger and Nutmeg have a lovely friend they met while hiking in France. She is a fascinating lady with a medical background. A nurse by training, she has a gift with languages and a sense of adventure that has led her to some interesting spots in the world. Just as G&N arrived back in Provence their friend broke the news that her family was off on another adventure. This one would take her back to the UK for a while. Before this delightful lady was allowed to leave Provence, a group of girlfriends (and one good sport – Ginger) had decided that a proper send-off luncheon was in order. provencal-seating The meal was a potluck so it was a perfect opportunity for Nutmeg to try out a recipe that had been on her list for a long time. The lunch table was laden with fresh salads, curried chicken, homemade quiche, decadent desserts and bottles of rosé. It was a long, lazy meal and no one left hungry. Nutmeg’s contribution was a Spinach Cake that can be served as a main course for lunch or as a side dish with dinner.

Spinach Cake
Recipe type: Side Dish
Cuisine: Vegeterian
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Serves: 6-8
This recipe is adapted from David Tanis "Platter of Figs" cookbook. It is easy to make a can be reheated. A perfect recipe for lunch or a good side dish for dinner. The nutmeg takes the "eggy" taste away.
Note: if using frozen spinach then thaw completely or partially first, cook until almost dry
Note: This recipe is gluten-free but not dairy free, you can try with rice milk and goat cheese as well.
  • 2 Pounds Spinach leaves or a large bag frozen and thawed
  • 4 Medium Leeks
  • 2 Cloves Garlic
  • 2 Tablespoons Unsalted Butter
  • 1 Teaspoon Freshly Ground Nutmeg
  • To Taste Salt and Pepper
  • 6 Large Eggs
  • 2 Cups Milk
  • ½ Cup grated Parmesan
  • ¼ Cup crumbled Feta
  1. Thoroughly clean spinach leaves
  2. Coarsely chop and set aside
  3. Dice leeks and crush the garlic bulbs
  4. Melt butter in a large saute pan over medium heat
  5. Add the leeks and garlic, cook until tender but do not brown (5-8min)
  6. Season with salt and pepper
  7. Grate nutmeg over the top
  8. Turn up the heat
  9. Add the spinach in handfuls and salt as you go
  10. Once you can fit it all in the pan
  11. Cover and steam until the spinach has wilted, stirring to make sure it does not stick to the pan
  12. Spread cooked spinach onto a platter to cool
  13. Preheat oven to 400F
  14. Once the spinach has cooled
  15. Puree spinach, eggs, leeks, garlic, Parmesan and milk in batches
  16. Add extra salt, pepper the mixture should be heavily seasoned
  17. Pour batter into a buttered baking dish
  18. Sprinkle the feta over the top
  19. Bake uncovered in the oven for 35-45 minutes until firm
  20. The cake is done when tested with a knife and it comes out clean
  21. Serve the pie at room temp for or briefly reheat


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