February 17, 2014

More Spicy Friends

Nutmeg has already described some of her spicy friends in and earlier post. She thought it was time to provide some detail on some of the others and a bit of history at the same time.


Travel to More Spicy Friends

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August 4, 2019

Beets Do you Love them too

Curry Murray loves beets and asked Nutmeg specifically for an article on beets.
So here are some of the facts right from Wikipedia:
The beet (Beta vulgaris) is a plant in the amaranth family. It is best known in its numerous cultivated varieties, the most well known of which is probably the red root vegetable known as the beetroot or garden beet. However, other cultivated varieties include the leaf vegetables chard and spinach beet, as well as the root vegetables sugar beet, which is important in the production of table sugar, and mangelwurzel, which is a fodder crop.
The beet has a long history of cultivation stretching back to the second millennium BC. The plant was probably domesticated somewhere along the Mediterranean, whence it was later spread to Babylonia by the 8th century BC and as far east as China by 850 AD. Available evidence, such as that provided by Aristotle and Theophrastus suggests that the leafy varieties of the beet were…

Travel to Beets Do you Love them too

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May 4, 2014

Hearty Hot Soup to Celebrate the New Year

Nutmeg loves this idea for an open house – invite people over for a bowl of soup and a drink on New Year’s day.  It is a great way to hear all the stories from the night before and toast the New Year with your friends.  One additional bonus, is there is a very good chance no one will stay late as they were up the night before…


Travel to Hearty Hot Soup to Celebrate the New Year

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August 4, 2019

Quick Chocolate Dessert Great for Entertaining

Nutmeg has tested this chocolate desert recently and confirms it is quick and easy to make.  Great for the holidays with seasonal ingredients (nuts and dried fruit) and Nutmeg is very happy to confirm it is nothing like traditional fruit cake.

Print Chocolate Nut and Fruit Tart Recipe type: Dessert Prep time:  2 hours 15 mins Cook time:  12 mins Total time:  2 hours 27 mins Serves: 6-8   Try this quick chocolate dessert and you are bound to impress your friends and family. Enjoy! Ingredients 1 Pie crust, refrigerated ¼ Cup Raspberry preserves, or jam of choice ½ Cup Heavy whipping Cream 12 oz Bittersweet Chocolate Chips 1 Cup Assorted nuts (pecans, sliced almonds, pistachios and hazelnuts) toasted, chopped coarsely 1 Cup Assorted dried fruit (cherries, raisins, cranberries and blueberries) 1 Large pinch Kosher Salt ½ Cup Toffee bits, for…

Travel to Quick Chocolate Dessert Great for Entertaining

Recipes & Travel:
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August 4, 2019

Great Dinner Parties

What are the ingredients for a great dinner party?  According to Nutmeg this is the list:  great food, interesting people and good wine (lots really good wine if the people are not interesting).  Ginger would add a full iPod, cleansing ales, dark rum and ice cream as must haves.


Travel to Great Dinner Parties

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May 5, 2017

Chocolate and Biscotti What’s not to Love

Nutmeg as you already know is quite black and white on most issues and this is definitely one of those.  Chocolate only comes in one acceptable format – dark and really dark.  White “chocolate” is about as real as marshmallows and about as good for you as MSG, trans-fats and saccharin.  For those interested here are some fast facts:


Travel to Chocolate and Biscotti What’s not to Love

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January 29, 2022

Friends and Family A Spicy Round-up

Nutmeg would like to introduce some of her friends and family.  Without a doubt, they are a spicy bunch and that is what she loves most about them.  There are a few who have not quite defined themselves yet (more on them at a later date).
In no particular order…

Travel to Friends and Family A Spicy Round-up

Recipes & Travel:

February 17, 2014

Nutmeg’s Favorites

Just a quick note to say Nutmeg has many failures in the kitchen but those are never published.  She looks forward to your feedback!

Travel to Nutmeg’s Favorites

Recipes & Travel:

August 4, 2019

For the love of a Fennel Mustard Recipe

Nutmeg loves fennel, which is a bit strange because she hates anise, sambuca and black licorice.  In any case, this fennel mustard recipe caught her eye.

Travel to For the love of a Fennel Mustard Recipe

Recipes & Travel:

August 4, 2019

Fall is Soup Time

Nutmeg has a bit of time on her hands this fall and this soup one of her new favorites:

Print Pear, Fennel and Acorn Squash Soup Recipe type: Soup Prep time:  15 mins Cook time:  30 mins Total time:  45 mins Serves: 4   This is an easy soup to celebrate the best of fall produce. Note: mild curry can be added as well (optional). Enjoy! Ingredients 1 Small Fennel bulb, diced 3 Shallots or ½ onion, diced 1.5 Tbsp. Olive oil 2 Pears cored and cubed 5 cups Vegetable or chicken stock ½ Tsp. cinnamon 1 Tsp. Fresh ginger, crushed 2 Medium Acorn squash, peeled, seeded and cut into 1 inch cubes ½ Cup Coconut milk Salt and Pepper, to taste Instructions Saute fennel and shallots in pan with 1 Tbsp oil until lightly…

Travel to Fall is Soup Time

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